Saturday 21 January 2012

Board Meeting 25.12.12

Board Meeting 25.12.11


The One Ronnie

Many of you heard a lot from me yesterday and so just a few thoughts on the theme of communication all derived from the central feature of the Christmas story, the incarnation of Christ.

John 1.14

1. Get on people’s level. If that means taking a few steps down, so be it.

2. Where possible, do it face to face.( c.f. email)

3. Aim for the heart as well as the head

4. Make it your aim to put the interests of others first and your own second

5. Never speak at people, but to them

6. Always remember that you have got two ears and one mouth and that is for a reason

God our Father,

whose Word has come among us

in the Holy Child of Bethlehem:

may the light of faith illumine our hearts

and shine in our words and deeds;

through him who is Christ the Lord.


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