Sunday 8 February 2009

a load of (snow) balls

Thank goodness I'm an adult because that way I can have fun and do things like take part in Tough Guy and go skiing. Meanwhile my kids - the ones who really should be having fun - after all, that is, or perhaps better that was, an important part of childhood on my understanding - are not allowed to throw snowballs at school or run when its slippery. Where and when did education turn down this blind and boring alley?

Glad to say that at the St Cuthbert's Old School Nursery the kids were taken out to try a sledge, to play and to learn to appreciate the wonderful world God has made.

Footnote - I did manage to take Lizzie and Joe sledging to Pott Shriggley on Sunday as per the video footage

1 comment:

Music+horses+life said...

Hi dad
the video of me sledging is lagging slightly, but well funny so far. TOO FUNNY I SOUND WEIRD LAUGHING. Today we went swimming in a waterpark (well good). Tomorrow night we going laserquest (the one where you get to pick names). Im gonna call maself RamboLOver and shoot James and Tom 5 billion milion times lol