Monday 9 March 2009

Do you think Someone's trying to tell me something?

The week before last I visited the church several times in connection with the house move and each time I picked up a job. No problem about that, but a reminder of how easy it is to be swamped by the practicalities. On the Sunday it was the Dyson that I noticed was not picking up properly - brush not working, but no simple solution like the drive band. On the Wednesday it was the lock that was broken with no one else around and both Wardens away or busy. So I called in a locksmith and had twenty keys cut (for starters!). On the Thursday it was the fire alarms that wouldn't set and then, making matters worse, the fire alarm buttons that in my confusion about the alarm system I conspired to damage. Then, finally, on the Monday, it was the neighbour whose car had been damaged by the poor installation of the builder's gates that needed some concentrated pastoral attention. D'Oh!

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