Monday 2 March 2009

A blog about this blog

A few quick points

Firstly, the order in which you view the Blog is not necessarily the order in which it has been written as sometimes I go back to events later on having given them thought and consideration. So, if you like the Blog, why not look back over the weeks for items you may have missed.

Secondly, the blogger is caught between wanting things to look there best and so spending too much time 'gold plating' and doing things 'on the hoof' and so introducing multiple typos. Hence I often rush things out and then edit and correct later on. Please note, though, logophiles, that I am not aiming at perfection.

Thirdly, some time back I read an item by John Piper saying that all ministers should blog. At the time I felt that was to take oneself and one's role a little too seriously (on this note, the subject of a future blog will be to consider the argument that Christians, and Christian ministers in particular, have rendered the ground sterile by all our words) Better, that all Christians or maybe all people should blog is as much as it facilitates honesty and friendship as well as an archive for future thought and hopefully wiser action.


Anonymous said...

How ironic! In the paragraph where you talk about rushing things out and making typos, you've written 'there' when you should have written 'their'. I'm not complaining as I did the same recently, but it tickled me nonetheless.

mike newman said...

"If a things worth doing, its worth doing badly" G K Chesterton